Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Compassion Is Universal

I believe Baha’u’llah would agree with the idea of showing compassion towards other people. He may not clearly state this in words, but he shows his thoughts of this through his actions towards other people he encounters. Baha’u’llah taught his followers the “Golden Rule” by showing them compassion rather than telling them how to act towards one another. I think the Baha’i would find compassion to be a component of their religion, like every other religion. The video had followers of Islam in it, and Baha’i came from that so I would think compassion would be a part of their beliefs as well.

An example of Baha’u’llah’s actions being the bases of his teachings on compassion that sticks out to me would be when he stood up for his fellow Babis and was bastinadoed for them (21). Baha’u’llah stepped in for multiple Babis when they were threatened. He took the beating instead of allowing them to be beaten. He showed his love for others by taking on their pain and allowing them to be free from the torment they were undergoing. He saw the need of another person and came to their aid.

Baha’u’llah would agree with the theory of compassion. He at least showed what compassion was throughout his life and people followed his example in their own life. Compassion is a universal theme in religions, and the Baha’i faith seems to be no different. 

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